Dispense/Supply Only - PBS Software Vendor Teleconference – Wednesday 18 September 2019

6 September 2019

Date: Wednesday 18 September 2019

Time: 10.00 - 11.00am

Venue: Teleconference

Contact: Cassy Clark, pbslisting@health.gov.au

Teleconference details:
Number: 1800 208 747 or 1300 214 196 or +61 2 8524 2300
Guest: 428044 

This meeting is to table a draft solution (XML3 and reports) and start discussions to ensure the legislative changes for Dispense/Supply only (DO) can be implemented.


  • Welcome and background
  • XML v3 Data explained and discussion
  • Report discussion
  • Questions and concerns
  • Next steps


What are the changes to the legislation and the intention of implementation?

Legislation changed in February 2018
National Health ACT 1953, Section 88 (1EB)

In the past, all PBS listings were required to operate as ‘prescribe and dispense’ as there was no ability in the legislation to have a product listed for the supply function only. Legislative changes in February 2018 mean that a PBS listing can continue for supply purposes only, but not for prescribing. This could be used where the original listing will be discontinued or lapse at a later date (eg. a product is delisted or replaced by a similar product). The listing information (as determined by the Minister) would control the period that a supply only listing would remain effective. In all other respects, a supply only listing operates in the same way as any other current listing.  

To be discussed

Documents released

 Dispensing/Supply Only (DO)

  • PBS listing can continue for supply purposes only, but not for prescribing.
  • In all other respects, a supply only listing would operate in the same way as any other current listing.

 What does this mean for data?

  • DO brand will be marked as ‘not for prescribing’ for a set time period. Once period has elapsed item is fully deleted (i.e. no longer in the LI).
  • Keep the deleted PBS listing alive – translation no longer needed.
  • Data could show changes to things like
    • Substitution
    • Prices
    • Responsible person/manufacturer code
  • Different brands on a listing can have different DO situations. Eg One brand delisted in March and the next in August
  • New brand or product may be listed during the DO period and can be substitutable with the product in DO. This may be on the same items code as the DO product or in cross item code substitution group.


  • Does this solution fit for XML V3 stakeholders?  XML and reports
  • Does this solution fit for non XML V3 stakeholders?  Reports only.
  • What other information is needed?
  • Existing Target field - Can it be left blank or should it be itself where it is staying alive?
  • Would we still need translation?