PBS Schedule
The Department of Health publishes the PBS Schedule on the first day of every month in a variety of electronic formats, including;
- PBS.gov.au
- PDF publications
- XML and Text Files
- PC, Mac and ISO 'offline versions'
- PBS Publications Archive contains previous months PDF, XML and Text files.
XML Schema
The PBS XML Schema is released in a distribution package. The package contains the (normative) RELAX-NG schema, (non-normative) versions of the schema in RELAX-NG compact format and W3C XML Schemas format, support files, sample instance documents and documentation.
Download the schema (ZIP 10MB) - pbs-3.1.12-314 - published 13 October 2020 - Schema documentation
- Schema Archive
Version 2.12 of the schema has been deprecated, see information on legacy XML.
XSL Stylesheets
XSL stylesheets are provided to transform PBS XML v2.12 to text extracts. The XSL stylesheets will not work with version 3.0 PBS XML.
Text Extracts
Text Extracts derived directly from the v3.0 PBS XML.
Text Extracts derived directly from the v2.12 PBS XML.
Chemotherapy Compounding Payment Scheme
The Compounder ID file will be published when changes have occurred.
List of Compounder IDs - published 28 February 2025
Embargoed files (early access)
The PBS data files are also available for download from the PBS Developers website approximately four (4) weeks prior to a new Schedule’s date of effect.
These embargoed files can only be accessed from the secure section of the PBS Developers website. Access to the embargo content is at the discretion of the Department of Health and Aged Care and is only provided to Software Developers for the purposes of updating prescribing, dispensing and claiming software.
To apply for early access to PBS data please complete the