PBS Data Distribution Project

PLEASE NOTE: ALL existing forms of PBS Schedule data currently distributed to vendors will cease soon. The new PBS embargo API will be the only source of embargo data available. Subscribe to the PBS Developer email list to receive notifications of PBS Developer News.

18 February 2025

The Department of Health and Aged Care is modernising the consumption and data distribution model for the monthly PBS Schedule data, in order to:

  • Make the data easier to understand and use in software;
  • Improve data latency and data provision through best practice architecture; and
  • Improve accessibility to PBS Schedule data for the public and external stakeholders (e.g. software vendors).

PBS embargo and public data API - Production Release

The Department of Health and Aged Care has developed an API for the efficient distribution of PBS schedule data to authorised software vendors and developers. The API will soon replace all existing formats (XML and text files) of PBS schedule data distribution; however, the monthly publication of the PBS Schedule in PDF format will continue as per current practice.

Since November 2023, the API has been considered a production system and Software vendors have been moving to use the API in their software.

After extensive consultation with software developers, data consumers and government stakeholders, the Department is in the final stages of transition, noting the need to provide sufficient time for a transition that ensures the integrity and ongoing sustainability of the PBS schedule data. 

The Department has been working closely with Software Vendors to respond to any specific concerns being raised, to identify any follow up changes or improvements as needed. In response, the Department will ensure access to current forms of PBS Schedule data will continue to be available where any subsequent key fixes are being implemented. This is to ensure that vendors are able to complete the transition to the API as these essential fixes are rolled out.

A version of the API for use by the general public is now available.

Information on accessing the embargo and public access API can be found on the PBS API page.

Useful Links


For any questions in relation to the PBS Data Distribution Project and modernising data access, please contact: HPP.Support@Health.gov.au.

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