Embargo Access for PBS Software Developers

PLEASE NOTE: ALL existing forms of PBS Schedule data currently distributed to vendors will cease soon. The new PBS embargo API will be the only source of embargo data available. Subscribe to the PBS Developer email list to receive notifications of PBS Developer News.

Embargo Agreement

  1. The embargoed files and information are provided to you for your operational purposes. You may undertake limited distribution to clients or members who require the data to meet their commercial needs to ensure currency of data on the effective date. In the interests of quality use of medicines and because of the potential for late changes to the data, this data may not be otherwise distributed prior to the effective date. Inappropriate distribution may result in revocation of access to these files.
  2. The files provide information on the arrangements for the prescribing and supply of pharmaceutical benefits. These files are not a legal document and the legislation will be the source document for payment for the supply of pharmaceutical benefits. Updated information may be provided.

The legislation can be accessed at www.legislation.gov.au.

To apply for early access to PBS data and the embargo API please read the guidance on the PBS API - Accessing the embargo API page.

Developers Discussion Board

The PBS Software Developers Discussion Board is available to all authorised users who have a login to the embargo downloads area. The board has been developed to better facilitate communication between the Department of Health and Aged Care and users of the monthly PBS Schedule data.

Feel free to post questions or answers relating to PBS data. Please note that your name and organisation will be automatically added to any posts that you make. 

Please read the Terms of Use before using this board, your use of the board is deemed to be your acceptance of these terms.

All posts to the board will be automatically emailed to all other users of the system so please ensure that your posts are relevant and appropriate. The Department reserves the right to remove any posts, at any time and for any reason. We may also remove your access to the board if you do not abide by the moderation policy, the Terms of Use or for any reason.